Proofreading  & EditingProofreading and Editing

So, you got the friend who speaks a bit of Polish down the road or your country agent to do some translation for you. Are you 100% happy that they’ll get your message right?

We can take that text and have our professionals check it. This gives you the peace of mind that what you said in the English hasn’t been lost in translation.

Additional proofreading is recommended for any work being translated for future public view or work to be published, including any marketing documentation such as brochures and websites.

Proofreading may be required for document updates to highlight differences between documents and also to check the quality of a translation supplied to you by another vendor or country agent.

Transfix also offer an editing service. Documents can be localised from American English to British English and South American Spanish to European Spanish for example.

Please note, text is checked prior to delivery, however this is not a copy editing service. We recommend all marketing material is professionally copy written.