How we work
If, for example, you need a medical brochure translated into French, we select a French native translator with a medical background from our database to do the job. We take into account the style, audience and any specific terms you require. Each project is tailor made for you and your business.
Costly mistakes have been made by even the large companies we all know and love over the years! Don’t let that be you. When it’s your business message, it has to be right.
We have various checking proceedures throughout the translation process. Using a 2nd translator to proof-read the translated text. Once all in-house checking proceedures have been done, only then do we give the finished text back to you for approval.
Translators are independently tested and approved before being added to our database. We use mother tongue native translators (not machines) with a thorough understanding and years of experience in their technical field.
Our translators cover all subject areas, from company reports to complex engineering manuals. All translate only into their mother tongue and once added to our database are tested regularly.
We’re sure we’ve got it covered. Working with European, Eastern European, Far Eastern, Indian, right-to-left reading languages such as Hebrew and Arabic, and a wide range of unusual languages, including African dialects and Maori. Building a team of approved translators to match your requirements, we ensure quality and consistency in both the short and long term. Working to build glossaries when required, making sure your instructions are adhered to and providing you with any information we feel is useful to you.
We become part of your team.